Lent and Easter in the West Hereford Team
Christ is risen : he is risen indeed. Alleluia!

The journey through Lent began with our Team Lent Course presented by four excellent speakers: Bishop Richard Frith, Reverend Prebendary Kay Garlick DL, Bishop David Thomson and Canon John Simpson. You can find their Lent talk on ‘those who journeyed with Jesus to the cross and beyond’ here…
The Lent lunches were filled with good food and good company. Across the Team nearly £500 was raised for WaterAid.

There were processions and donkeys on Palm Sunday.

The choirs of the Team led us through the story of Easter with Mozart’s Requiem and Maunder’s Olivet to Calvary.

We supported the Good Friday Walk of Witness in the city centre, and shared hot cross buns together…

The churches were made to look beautiful ready for the celebrations of Easter Sunday.

We celebrated Jesus rising from the tomb at 5am on Easter Sunday with the New Fire and Dawn Service, followed by breakfast and services throughout the Team.

Christ is risen : he is risen indeed. Alleluia!
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