Getting Involved
Looking for ways to serve the Hereford community? Searching for a group within Hereford to connect with through fellowship? Contact for more information or follow upcoming events on social media!
West Hereford Team of church has servers, who can be of any age, who carry out an important role in our worship services as Crucifer and Acolytes (cross and candle bearers respectively). It is a very visual and active element of the service with each server robed and participating from the chancel during the service. We are always on the lookout and would welcome any newcomers to the group. Please contact one of the clergy for more information.

Teams of 3/4 Sidespeople welcome worshippers at morning services 3-4 times a year. We know that a smile and friendly hello go a long way for regular and especially for new, or returning, faces. They hand out and collect in hymn books, service books and notice sheets, administer the collection plate, and one of the team forms part of the Eucharist procession delivering the gifts for blessing. They are often ‘first on hand’ (along with the wardens) for any week on week communications, as well as unforeseen incidences during the service.
Coffee Hour
Coffee, tea, juice, and biscuits are served every Sunday following worship. This is managed through a rota of willing volunteers in each church and provides an opportunity to get to know other members of congregation in a relaxed, convivial atmosphere. If you’d like to help, please contact the Team Office for further information on how to help!
The readings during the services (other than the Gospel) are read by members of the congregation, who each volunteer to read 3-4 times a year. Anyone wishing to join the rota should first have a word with member of the clergy or churchwardens.
Intercessions are offered by a member of the intercessors’ group of volunteers, drawn from the congregation. Anyone wishing to join the group should first have a word with member of the clergy or one of the wardens.
The church flowers are organised and arranged by a rota of volunteers. Please contact the Team Office if you are interested in helping at St. Nicholas, St. Michael’s, Holy Trinity or All Saints Church.
Faith in Art
Faith in art is a long-held tradition in the church with man of the world’s greatest works of art depicting Biblical characters or interpreting passages of the Bible. Artists throughout history have long used it as a way to express faith. Michelangelo in particular, had a very strong spiritual connection with his work, stating: “Art is the gift of God and must be used to His glory.”
In West Hereford Churches’ a group called Faith in Art group has been running for just over a year. It started with just two artists and has grown to nearly 15 regular members including some from other churches in the city. The membership has mostly grown through word of mouth, and get together once a month at All Saints Church & Cafe. Check out our upcoming events HERE>>>

Anna Chaplaincy
Anna Chaplaincy seeks to accompany older people at this age and stage of their lives. It is an ecumenical, community-based, chaplaincy promoting the spiritual welfare of older people. Anna Chaplaincy is a person-centred and non-judgemental ministry for people of strong, little or no faith at all..
Bell Ringing
Hereford has a rich history of bell-ringing! To find out more of how to get involved, whether you’re a beginner or experienced ringer, contact to find out more information.
Praying the Rosary
Prayers for Peace using the Rosary is a group that comes together on Mondays (not bank holidays) at 12.10 in All Saints Church each week.
Youth Groups
We have TWO thriving youth groups here in West Hereford – one for Years 4, 5 & 6 and the other for KS3 students. We get together each month (either combined or individually depending on activity) to pray, play & grow as leaders and friends. Contact for more information and how to register your child.
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