A celebration of 50 years of Ministry as a Reader.
Malcolm Robertson, Reader at All Saints, Hereford and across the West Hereford Team, celebrated 50 years of Ministry as a Reader this weekend.

To mark the occasion a joyful service of Choral Evensong took place at St Nicholas’ Church on Sunday 12th May with a joint West Hereford Team choir, Readers and Clergy from across the Deanery, friends from Malcolm’s past and present, an abundance of cake and Prosecco, and Malcolm himself leading the service.

Malcolm’s choice of hymns, readings and choral music were beautifully put together to create a wonderful service of worship and celebration.
We give grateful thanks for Malcolm and Vicki, and pray for God’s blessing on them and their continued ministry within the West Hereford Team.

Malcolm even had a bespoke crossword produced for the occasion with a message hidden within it for all those celebrating with him, courtesy of Bishop David Thomson and his skills with creating crosswords!

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