Faith in Art? A new group in West Hereford. All welcome!

A new group in West Hereford

Saturday 5th March 2-3:30 PM at All Saints Church, High Town

The creative and visual arts, whether painting, drawing, photography, film making, ceramics sculpture, textiles or any other medium, for many, is the essential way that we connect with God, express our love for Him or celebrate all that He has done for us. We can worship, we can meditate, we can pray, and we can share all of this with others communicated through what we create. s

If you are an artist or creative craftsperson you may be interested to hear about a new group in the West Hereford Team of churches, who have a desire to explore their journey of faith and the relationship between God and their creative practice. We plan to meet about once a month where we will reflect on the Word that encourages us, share ideas and progress on creative projects, hear from other inspiring Christian artists and pray together and for each other.

The group is open to everyone with an interest in exploring the relationship between their creative practice and their Christian faith, and in encouraging others who are at varying stages of their journey.

Come along or email to find out more.

Saturday 5th March 2-3:30 PM at All Saints Church, High Town

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 ESV

Next meetings: Saturday 30th April, Saturday 18th June , Saturday 17th July