Lois Beynon ordained Priest
The first weekend in July was a momentous occasion for the Rev’d Lois Beynon! Following her ordination to the deaconate last summer, and the start of her curacy with us in October, she was ordained a Priest on Saturday 2nd July.
Many of us joined her at Hereford Cathedral for the service – lead by the Right Rev’d Richard Jackson. This included Lois’ family, as well as some of our other young families. Both Rev’d Ruth and Rev’d Jo were able to ‘lay hands’ on Lois as part of the service – joining in the bishop to call down the Holy Spirit upon her.

The next day Lois was able to preside at the eucharist for the first time. The Teamwide service was held in St Nicholas’ church, and members of all 4 churches took part in the service and came together for a bring-and-share lunch afterwards. The bell ringers at St Nicholas’ also rung to celebrate the occasion.

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