Lord Scudamore Academy visit St Nicholas’ Church to ‘Explore Easter’
On Monday 8th April 2019 the Year 1’s from Lord Scudamore Academy visited St Nicholas’ Church to ‘Explore Easter’. As they walked to the church they waved palm leaves, made the previous week, to remember how Jesus rode into Jerusalem as the crowds also waved palm leaves and shouted ‘Hosanna!’

Once in the church the children joined in with the story of Easter as we presented a simple drama.
Then the children took part in activities about each part of the story: Jesus washing the disciples feet, the sharing of the Last Supper, Jesus praying in the garden of gethsemane, his death on the cross and the empty tomb when Jesus rose again.

Finally the children gathered in the carpark as we lit the New Fire of Easter to remind us that Jesus is the Light of the World. They received an Easter blessing before they walked back to the school.
A wonderful morning and we look forward to welcoming more pupils from LSA soon!
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