Lots of fun at the Open Air Family Service!

Great fun was had at our first Open Air Family Service at Breinton on 4th August 2019.
With the theme of the Good Shepherd and the parable of The Lost Sheep, and using Open the Book, songs and crafts, we explored what it means to belong to God and be in community with each.
- What means so much to you that you would search everywhere for it, not giving up until it was found, and what to you isn’t worth searching for?
- It doesn’t matter how we view ourselves; as worth searching for or not, God thinks we ARE worth searching for.
- The Good Shepherd went looking for that 1 sheep and didn’t stop looking until he had found it and brought it back home.
- God keeps searching for us, that’s why he sent Jesus, so that every one of his children could be brought back into his flock, his family, his love.
- When the Good Shepherd found the sheep he carried the sheep home rejoicing, calling together his friends and neighbours and asking them to join in the celebrations.
- When we are brought home, to God’s family and love so that we might know what it really means to live, to have life in all its fullness, there is rejoicing in heaven!
- The Good Shepherd came that you might have life in ALL its fullness!

All this was followed by a hunt for 100 lost sheep around Breinton Church, and some delicious food.
New songs, new service, new friends to meet: a great afternoon of fun and worship together.
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