We have a new Team Vicar!

We are delighted that The Reverend Jae Chandler has been licensed as our new Team Vicar. Jae will be primarily responsible for the churches of All Saints and St Nicholas’ and will have a focus on creative outreach. Her service of licensing and installation on Wednesday 31st August was full of joy and anticipation for the new chapter in the life of our Team. Amongst the congregation we welcomed Jae’s family, some of the congregation from her previous parish (who were very disappointed to lose her!), friends from near and far, and also Pfr. Niki Schoenherr from our link church of All Saints, Nuremberg. Niki brought with him a warm welcome from his congregation and a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, telling Jae that she was the missing piece of the puzzle we had been long waiting for. And of course there was wine and cake following the service! We very much look forward to seeing how God will use Jae over the coming years.

Welcome to West Hereford, Jae!